How It Works
Once you are set up, share your unique QR code with the customer to ask them to rate & review and tip if they'd like. Once this has been submitted you can get an alert and the review & tip information is all stored within your app.

Download the Served.Me Staff app and link yourself to the venue of your employer

You will receive a unique QR code

Provide it to your customers

Collect tips and feedback

Review your rating and feedback regularly - get to know what your customers value
Rate and Tip
Service Staff
Service Staff
- Increases the level of feedback from customers that is specific to you
- Immediate feedback
- Know more about what makes your customers happy, what they expect and want
- Potential to earn more tips as no service charge constraint and a solution when customers don't have cash
- No need for physical contact with cash - e-tips are the future!
- Detailed service history within your app, accesible any time to help you understand what is great and what you need to improve on
- Friendly competition with a rating that you can compare to your colleagues

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Lets Get Started